Your shipping expert from Hamburg for over 50 years.
Since more than 50 years Chemikalien Seetransport has been providing technical and commercial ship management as well as crew management for crude oil tankers, product tankers, chemical tankers, LNG/LPG vessels, bulk carriers and other ships.
Maximum safety, efficiency and reliability distinguish us as a family-owned company.
We are certified according to ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 50001 (energy management).
Our management
Oliver Hennes
Christian Krämer
Fleet Magazine
Our Fleet Magazine informs all CST employees on board and ashore as well as business partners about news of CST.
Marine Service GmbH
CST’s sister company, the engineering and consultancy firm Marine Service GmbH, is a global leader in LNG, LNG as Fuel and converter platform projects for offshore wind farms.
Peter Krämer Stiftung
Our Peter Krämer Foundation initiated the world’s most successful private initiative in the education sector. So far Schools for Africa has reached more 30 million children in 21 African countries.
“When the winds of change blow, some seek shelter in the harbor while others set sail.”
— unknown